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Facing storms in our lives is nothing new. Some of those storms may rage in our physical bodies but many rage in our mind and spirit. We don’t want our students to be facing storms unsupported and just hoping that they will soon pass. We want them to be able to “dance in the rain”. We want them to be comfortable talking about their storms. We want them to be able to get help whether they are in school or at home.

But… we also know that being a parent of a teenager can feel like you’re in the middle of a hurricane at times! Some of the storms are very unpredictable and may be short and blow over or they may last for days. These pages aim to signpost you to sources of help and support.

Signs they might be struggling

  • There are marked changes to their mood and happiness
  • They may be easily upset and tearful or quick to get angry
  • They may be very negative
  • They may isolate themselves from the rest of their family
  • They might stop communicating or be very limited in what they say
  • They may withdraw from things they have always enjoyed
  • They may not be sleeping well and seem tired all of the time
  • They may not be eating well
  • They may be struggling to concentrate and keep on top of homework
  • They may regularly complain of stomach ache or feeling unwell
  • They may be reluctant to go to school

YOU might just know in your gut as their parent that something is wrong. Don’t be afraid to trust your instincts.

Helping your Teenager Find Help

  • Encourage them to talk to YOU or someone in school – their Tutor, Head of Year, Student Support Team in School House
  • They can also e-mail Student Support on
  • Point them to the Student Help page on the school website or in their planner
  • YOU can also contact school if you are worried about your son/daughter

Help & Support for Parents

  • Lincs CC Family Services Directory - Signposts you to all kinds of advice & support for both parents and young people
  • NSPCC Helpline - If you’re worried about a child, or if you’re even unsure, you can talk to a professional counsellor for help, support or advice. - E-mail NSPCC Helpline - 0808 800 5000
  • Family Line (hosted by Family Action) - 0808 802 6666 - (Opening Times: Monday – Friday 6pm -10pm, Saturday & Sunday 10am- 1pm) - TEXT Message: 07537 404282 - E-mail Family Line
  • Charlie Waller Memorial Trust - Support leaflets for parents and students in dealing with a range of mental health difficulties.
  • Steps 2 Change - NHS Talking Therapies for Adults - Offers a range of talking therapies tailored to meet individual needs. They are free of charge and provided by experienced and qualified professionals. You can complete an online self referral form or access the service through your GP - 0303 123 4000
  • Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) - Provides a range of advice and support, including debt management, benefits, housing and family. Website allows you to search for your local office - 03444 111 444
  • Lincolnshire Parent Carer Forum - Support for parents of young people with disabilities or SEN - 07925 232 466

Parenting Teenagers Courses

If you feel you need some fresh ideas (or even just ideas!) about how to manage your teenager and share experiences with other parents why not consider signing up for a parenting course? If you are interested in joining a course please contact e-mail Mrs S Manley
