SEND Provision
SENCO: Mrs Millband
Learning Mentors
- Mr Jack Appleby
- Mrs Pam Clapham
- Mrs Sheree Manley
- Mrs Jessica Sivyer
Carre’s Grammar School prides itself on being an inclusive school and we are committed to encouraging and enabling all our students to unlock their full potential. We recognise that some of our students will, at different stages of their development, require tailored and targeted support over and above the usual academic and pastoral provision. The Student Support Team at Carre’s also aims to tailor and target support for individual students who have been identified as having a specific learning need, so that they can:
- Be an effective and successful learner who achieves their full potential
- Embrace the range of opportunities available to them as a valued member of our school community
- Move into adult life confident that they have the skills and independence to fulfil their ambitions.
Supportive Environment
Located in the Old School House, the Student Support Department comprises of a central hub and four dedicated rooms: a small group teaching space, two independent study areas, and a quiet room for student regulation. We aim to always have a member of staff available in the hub to assist students requiring support outside of the classroom.
Graduated Approach to Intervention and Support: Assess Plan Do Review
We seek to be creative and proactive in our approach and over the years we have developed a wide range of expertise and strategies. We have experience of successfully supporting students with the following:
- Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC)
- Dyslexia
- Slow Processing
- Visual impairment
- Hearing Impairment
- Physical Disabilities
- Chronic Medical Conditions
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs
Strategies and Interventions to Support Academic Progress and Engagement
Teaching staff receive regular updates and training regarding the provision of effective support in the classroom. Typical examples of support and intervention:
- Targeted short-term support programmes for individual students / small groups
- Adapted approaches to accessing class material
- Classroom resource packs provided for specific learning needs
- Use of C-Pen exam readers
- Use of visual support to support understanding and facilitate access to the school environment and learning
- Individual access to computers and other ICT
- Provision of specialist equipment
- Adapted or modified resources
- Attendance support plans
- Adjusted timetables to support medical conditions
- Flexible Learning Agreements
Emotional Support & Mental Well-Being
Students who face a greater challenge with their learning and their ability to process the world around them can experience increased levels of anxiety. Other students can find themselves temporarily at a disadvantage due to increased anxiety levels. We have found the following effective in supporting such students:
- Self-esteem programmes
- Anger management programmes
- Access to professional counselling
- Social Skills programmes
- Peer Support Groups led by Learning Mentors
- Wellbeing Ambassador
- Supported Private Study /Homework in Student Support
Professional Referrals and Support
Referrals to other professionals and agencies are made when deemed necessary. We are always happy to facilitate sessions in school. The following services have been accessed:
- Educational Psychologist
- Community Paediatric Team
- Specialist Teacher Service
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAHMS, NHS)
- Healthy Minds (NHS)
- Family Action
- Working Together Team (Supporting Students with Autism)
- Behaviour Outreach Service (BOSS)
- Individual Counselling (Bereavement, Anxiety, Emotional Well-Being)
- SEND Parent Forums
Parents/Carers in Partnership
We actively encourage parents/carers to maintain regular contact with school so that our partnership can be effective and productive. Every student referred to Student Support will have an allocated key worker, one of our Learning Mentors, who will be the main point of contact between parents/carers and Student Support.
Transition and Induction
All prospective Year 7 students are visited in their primary school by a member of Student Support, or the wider pastoral team and primary school teachers are consulted. If there is a known learning need then a further meeting with a member of the Student Support team can be organised to ensure a smooth transition. Where appropriate, additional familiarisation visits will be arranged and preparation for independent travel training for home-to-school travel can be explored.
A similar process will be offered to students transferring to Carre’s at different entry points. Students joining the Sleaford Joint Sixth Form are asked to complete a SEND transition form to ensure that the school is aware of their needs and their usual way of working.
Transition to Post 16 Courses/ Apprenticeships in Colleges or University
Students seeking to transfer to other educational institutions to complete post-16 courses/apprenticeships are supported in those transitions. Students are supported in identifying suitable courses and the completion of the application form. The receiving institution is apprised of the student’s specific needs and where appropriate familiarisation visits can be arranged. If appropriate prospective employers will be made aware of the Access to Work service which provides assessment and advice to employers regarding any specialist equipment that might be needed to make reasonable adjustments.
Students wishing to pursue Higher Education courses are encouraged to do so and are likewise supported in identifying suitable courses. Where necessary the key worker will liaise with the SEND Officer at the relevant institution to ensure that all necessary information is available regarding any assessments that might need to be carried out to support their learning needs. The Enrichment Curriculum for 6th form students at Carre’s also provides practical preparation with the offer of basic cookery lessons. Students should also be aware that they can apply for the Disabled Student’s Allowance via Student Finance to assist with the purchase of specialist equipment or support.
Strategies to Support Behaviour
The school operates a staged disciplinary system. Where behaviour does not meet with expectations school students face the “consequence” of their actions and are sanctioned. However, for students with an identified learning need a reasonable adjustment is made and typically, this amounts to a student having additional stages of warning and/or remaining longer at a specific stage. However, our system has sufficient flexibility to allow us to tailor consequences to the needs of the individual student.
Support during Unstructured Time
Learning Mentors can provide targeted support programmes that are designed to bolster or improve social skills. In addition to such support, we also have designated safe places at lunchtime available to all students and will also put in place peer support groups or a buddy system for students new to the school or requiring additional social support.
Education and Health Care Plans (EHCP)
Where individual need is determined to be complex or requires a greater level of provision beyond the capacity of the established team then the school will look to complete an application for an EHCP. If successful, this can release additional funding to support the identified needs. An application would normally require the support of the Educational Psychologist and substantial evidence that the school had reached a point where additional resources were needed to meet the identified needs.
Lincolnshire Local Offer
The Local Offer is part of the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) reforms from the Children and Families Act 2014. There are two main purposes for the Local Offer:
- To improve information about services and provision available for families, children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, and to make it easier for all families to find this information by making it available in one place.
- To work directly with families, children and young people to improve provision.
Lincolnshire's Local Offer includes leisure and activity providers, health and care services, education providers and support groups. Further details can be found on the Lincolnshire County Council website.
For a more detailed breakdown of SEND provision at Carre’s Grammar School, please see the CGS SEND Information Report.