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Uniform Policy - Years 7-11

Blazer Black blazer with badge on breast pocket and red braid on each pocket.
Trousers Black conventional school trousers (not excessively flared or too narrow). Black jeans are not acceptable.
Jumper Optional black V-neck school jumper (no logos, sweaters, hoodies, or round neck jumpers).
Shirt White shirt (long or short sleeved); shirt to be worn tucked in and with top button fastened.
Tie School tie to be worn at the appropriate length (approx. the length of a 30cm ruler).
Shoes Black formal school shoes (not suede). Black trainers are not acceptable.
Socks Plain dark grey or black socks.
Belts Belts, if worn, should be plain black with a small buckle (no logos).
Bag A strong, medium-sized bag should be used to carry equipment.
Coats OUTDOOR COATS - must not be worn indoors. Hoodies and zoodies are not permitted in place of a coat on site.
Hair Hair should be of natural colour and not of an extreme style.
Jewellery Students may wear a watch and/or one pair of studded earrings if they wish.
Makeup Nail varnish is not permitted.
PE Kit

PE Clothing

Students are expected to wear the correct clothing for both periods of PE whether playing or practising. If unable to participate due to injury they should bring full kit so that they can be involved with officiating or similar duties. In cold weather a coat will be permitted.

Kit list

  • Either a red Carre’s polo shirt or a Carre’s rugby top (Bristol – green sleeves; Carre – yellow sleeves; Lafford – white sleeves; Welby – black sleeves) must be worn for all lessons.
    Students do not have to have both of these tops, but the polo shirts are not as durable and can rip when playing contact rugby.
  • Black shorts must be worn for all lessons.
  • Red football/rugby socks must be worn for football and rugby lessons.
  • Either white sports socks or red football/rugby socks must be worn in all other lessons.
  • Shin pads must be worn for football lessons.
  • Mouth guards are strongly advised for contact rugby lessons.

Extra layers

  • Baselayers can be worn underneath PE kit.
  • Black tracksuit bottoms can be worn over the top of shorts for outdoor lessons in cold weather at the teacher’s discretion, but tracksuit bottoms of any other colour are not allowed. Baggy tracksuit bottoms (i.e., fashionwear rather than sportswear) are not allowed. Students must still bring their black shorts for every lesson.
  • Black tracksuit tops, hoodies and lightweight jackets can be worn for outdoor lessons in cold weather as extra layers at the teacher’s discretion, but students must have either their red Carre’s polo shirt or Carre’s rugby top on underneath.
  • Lightweight gloves can be worn in cold weather at the teacher’s discretion.

Footwear for lessons on the 3G pitch

  • Boots with moulded or screw-in studs are recommended.
  • Boots with blades or AstroTurf trainers are accepted.
  • Trainers with flat soles are not allowed.

Footwear for indoor lessons

  • Clean trainers with non-marking soles.

Note regarding PE Kit

  • Students are expected to take their PE kit home between PE periods.
  • Students are expected to change completely in the changing rooms before and after PE lessons, apart from P5, after which students can go home in their PE kit should they wish.
  • Valuables should not be left in the changing rooms, as it is not always possible to guarantee their security.

Uniform is available at

  • Uniform Direct, Uniform Direct, Dixon House, Dixon Way, Lincoln, LN6 7XN Tel: 01522 510016
  • Downtown Grantham Outlet, Downtown Store Grantham, Gonerby Moor, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG32 2AB Tel: 03452 505502
  • Cool Cats Clothing Ltd, 4 Old Farm, Mareham Lane, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 8SU, Tel: 01832 270 446