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Exam Results

Welcome to the Exam Results section, please select GCSE Results or Sixth Form below:

GCSE Results

Students and Staff at Carre’s work hard to achieve the best possible grades at GCSE. We are rightly proud of their achievements every year. This year, once again, results day was a very happy occasion for all involved with much to celebrate individually and as a team. Subject results for 2024 can be found in the downloads.

The school results (unvalidated) for key measures in 2024 (as published by the DfE) are:

Performance data: KS4

Progress 8 score +0.01
Attainment 8 score 57.20
% of pupils achieving a strong pass (grade 5 or above) in English and mathematics 67.0%
% of pupils entering for the EBacc 70.6%
EBacc - Average Point Score 5.4
Pupils staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 4 98%

Please click here to the access the Government’s comparison site and the school’s performance table.

Sixth Form

Carre’s Grammar School students are part of the Sleaford Joint Sixth Form; this is a collaboration of the co-educational sixth forms of the Robert Carre Trust (comprising of Carre’s Grammar School and Kesteven and Sleaford High School) and St. Georges Academy. High standards of teaching and learning and academic success are well known features of each of the schools. 

Within the joint sixth form students select a base school for pastoral support and guidance. Subject results for 2024 can be found in the downloads.

The results (unvalidated) for students based at Carre’s Grammar School for key measures in 2024 (as published by the DfE) are:

Performance data: KS5

Attainment (provisional)
Average Result (A levels only) C+
Average Points (A levels only) 34.49
Average Result (Applied General)    Dist-
Average Points (Academic Qualifications) 34.55
Retention on A level study program (2022) 96%
% of students in sustained education, employment or training 97%

Please click here to the access the Government’s comparison site and the school’s performance table.
