Becoming a rounded individual is an important aspect of life in our Sixth Form and enables students to get a good work-life balance as well as developing transferrable skills. Students have no lessons timetabled on a Wednesday afternoon to enable them to participate in a variety of Enrichment activities. We encourage students to do at least one Academic, one Altruistic and one Active enrichment activity in this time throughout the year.
Academic opportunities include:
- Extended Project Qualification
- a personal finance qualification
- online learning courses such as a MOOC
- Debate Club
- Book Club
- subject clubs.
Altruistic opportunities include:
- volunteering
- Prefect roles in the school
- charity fundraising
- website design
- Interact club
- National Citizen Service.
Active opportunities include:
- music
- cookery
- competitive sport (football, netball, rugby)
- a wide range of recreational sports
- personal fitness in the Fitness Suite
The Duke of Edinburgh award scheme is one of the key extra-curricular activities, which we offer at Bronze, Silver and Gold, and aims to prove an enjoyable, challenging and rewarding programme of personal development for young people, which is of the highest quality and widest reach. Further information can be found on the D of E website.
Students can also opt to complete work experience placements or volunteering during their Enrichment periods to develop their experiences and support their post-18 applications.