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Learning Resource Centre


The Learning Resource Centre continuously aspires to provide staff and students with learning support and development both in and outside their lessons. To accomplish this we regularly update and refresh our non-fiction resources to ensure they complement the curriculum and strive to create a pleasant working environment. We also promote students to read for pleasure during their leisure time, actively encouraging them to browse through our diverse fiction section and borrow the resources.



For over 15 years the Learning Resource Centre was situated within the main school building, adhering to a traditional library layout.


During the summer of 2006 the LRC was relocated above the sports facilities and underwent a contemporary refurbishment. Now computers sit side by side with books with a range of resources to support learning and literacy, and complement the curriculum. Staff and students are encouraged to use the LRC for both work and pleasure, and we actively promote reading as a valuable and enjoyable leisure activity. The LRC is divided into three areas:

Lesson area: Comprising 30 computers and an interactive whiteboard. This area also has a careers section (containing careers information, occupational information, university prospectuses, college information and lifestyle issues). 

Library area: Comprising 18 computers, a whiteboard, and the library. There are over 9,000 items of fiction, non-fiction, periodicals, daily local and national newspapers, and DVDs.  The library is open to students during break and lunchtimes.

Careers Room:  A careers advisor is available one day a week.

Photo of LRC - Library AreaLRC - Library area

Photo of LRC - Lesson areaLRC - Lesson area

The facility was officially opened on 11th October 2007 by ‘old boy’ Mark Brealey, who is now a QC at Brick Court Chambers in London specialising in EU and Competition law.

Opening hours

The Learning Resource Centre is open Monday to Thursday, from 08.50 until 16.30 and 08:50 to 16:00 on Friday.​



The LRC currently has over 5,000 non-fiction books. They cover all the subjects studied within the school, as well as general interest.


Reading for pleasure and fiction forms an important part of the school LRC stock which covers a wide range of children’s and adult fiction. There are currently over 2,000 fiction books. Audiobooks are also available.


The LRC has 48 computers, all of which are networked. Along with all the other processors in the school, these computers are connected to a black and white/ colour A4/A3 laser printer located at the LRC reception.

Newspapers and Subscriptions

The following daily newspapers are available – ‘The Times’ and the ‘I’. We also offer the weekly ‘Sleaford Standard’ and ‘Sleaford Target’.  We subscribe to several magazines including: BBC History, Top Gear, BBC Focus, the New Musical express, How It Works and sporting magazines.


A wide selection of DVDs for students and staff is available to borrow for 2 nights.

Careers Resource Centre

The LRC contains a Careers/ Further and Higher Education section consisting of occupational information, university prospectuses, local college information and lifestyle issues. All information is updated on a regular basis.


Fines are currently not being charged. However, overdue notices are sent to individual form tutors regarding student overdue books. Access to the LRC is restricted until books are returned. Students are charged if books are damaged beyond repair or lost.

Homework Club

All students are welcome to attend Homework Club. It is offered Monday to Thursday – 3:40 – 4:30 and Fridays until 4:00. Students can benefit from a quiet study are with resources and staff to help them.

Film Club

Film Club currently runs on Friday lunchtimes. Students of all ages are welcome to attend but numbers are restricted to 60. Films shown promote literacy as they are usually films that are book based such as ‘Harry Potter’ or ‘The Hunger Games’, etc.


The LRC uses hosted/Reading Cloud, an OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue), which enables students to search the LRC resource catalogue from any of the computers networked around the school. Search star allows the individual to search specified fields (keywords, Author, Title etc.), allowing the user to retrieve information such as availability, location and description of a chosen source. This online system also displays useful websites connected to your search, enables you to reserve materials and post reviews on resources.

Contact Information

If you wish to discuss any matter please do not hesitate to contact the Learning Resource Centre, either by calling 01529 302181 or sending an e-mail
