Facing storms in our lives is nothing new. Some of those storms may rage in our physical bodies but many rage in our mind and spirit. Sometimes it may just be a short blast of bad weather that gets us down momentarily (which is actually quite normal) but whatever you’re facing we don’t want you to be unsupported and just hoping that it will soon pass. We want you to be able to “dance in the rain”.
We want you to be comfortable talking about your storms. We want you to be able to get help whether you are in school or at home. Below are some ways you can get help or advice.
Help in School for yourself or a friend you are worried about:
Come to School House to talk to us OR e-mail us.
Help Outside School
- ChildLine - 0800 1111
- Samaritans: Support for anyone who needs someone to talk to 09457 90 90 90
- Kooth.com - (online counselling)
- Healthy Minds - Emotional wellbeing Pathway
- Mood Juice - Well being books
- Young Minds
- Papyrus - (Prevention of Young Suicide)
- National Self-Harm Network
- Headspace
- Winston’s Wish - Supporting a bereaved child
- Stem 4 - Early awareness of mental health
- The Mix - Supporting young people under the age of 25.
Can’t find anything that deals with your worry?
Lincolnshire County Council provides a list of all the support groups that are available locally. You can search the list to find relevant groups/support.
Online Safety
CEOP Education - Part of National Crime Agency.
- Advice can be found here on all kinds of digital/online abuse. You can report it here too.
- Advice about how to contact Social Media providers about getting content removed.
Be comfortable with who you are