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Intent and Implementation


Depth of Knowledge: 

All students develop a depth of knowledge about how to pursue their Post-16 and Post-18 ambitions whether it is Oxbridge, university, vocational employment including apprenticeships or the career of their choice. We aim to promote the development of key employability skills to support students in achieving personal economic stability and wellbeing.  Our programme provides comprehensive, fully up-to-date information to alert students to the wide range of future progression opportunities, and to support students with their thinking and decision-making for an ever-changing world.

Richness of Experience:

Students are given opportunities in school to expand their horizons in an ever-changing workplace through visiting speakers, employer engagement and leadership development.  We aim to empower students to plan, access and manage their career choices and transitions.

Development of Character

Students have opportunities to develop the skills and attributes that are needed to excel in the next step of their education and to prepare for Post-16 and Post-18 ambitions.  Activities are designed to raise aspirations, foster self-esteem and motivate students to achieve their full potential.  We promote equality, diversity, social mobility and challenge stereotypes.


The eight Gatsby Benchmarks are a guidance system developed to enable secondary schools to provide students with the best possible careers education, information, advice and support.

1. A stable careers programme

5. Encounters with employers and employees

2. Learning from career and labour market information

6. Experiences of workplaces

3. Addressing the needs of each student

7. Encounters with further and higher education

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

8. Personal guidance


These benchmarks have been firmly embedded into our Careers Programme from Year 7 all the way through to Year 13, aligned with a bespoke Personal Development Programme, enterprise days, extracurricular activities and charity events, as well as being integrated into wider curriculum delivery.  There are also opportunities for all students to have one-to-one discussions with our independent Careers Advisor.